Participating Organizations

This list of Participating Organizations contains participants in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse initiative. All FDP member organizations are included.

Please click on a Participating Organization's name to view their Profile. Once a Profile is opened you can tab through 6 sections of information on the Profile. You may also print an organization's Profile once you have selected the Profile by clicking the Print button in the top right corner of the Profile.

If you represent a non-member organization which is not represented in the clearinghouse and you would like to add a profile for your organization, please refer to Joining the Expanded Clearinghouse

Show organizations
Organization (Common) Name
Primary DUNS
Primary Contact
FDP Member
Last Published On
Morgan State University 879941318 KULSKCCZJT27 Edet Isuk Yes 02-13-2024
Georgia Southern University Research and Service Foundation, Inc. 063828383 FL4AUYLFP7E8 Eleanor Haynes Yes 10-24-2024
University of Oregon 079289626 Z3FGN9MF92U2 Elise Landry Yes 01-09-2025
University of Rhode Island (URI) 144017188 CJDNG9D14MW7 Elizabeth Buchanan Yes 07-19-2024
Ball State University 065540726 KDP6QKY6QLM1 Elizabeth Haney Yes 12-16-2024
Oregon Health & Science University 096997515 NPSNT86JKN51 Elizabeth Williams Yes 12-20-2024
BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY 072995848 HYWTVM5HNFM3 Ella Christiansen No 01-06-2025
University of Southern California 072933393 G88KLJR3KYT5 Emi Kamei Yes 09-05-2024
The University of Texas at Dallas 800188161 EJCVPNN1WFS5 Emily Lacy Yes 05-07-2024
The University of Pittsburgh 004514360 MKAGLD59JRL1 Eric Larson Yes 05-07-2024
University of New Mexico 868853094 F6XLTRUQJEN4 Erin Fitzgerald Yes 12-12-2024
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 075307785 NCSMA19DF7E6 Felicia Beanum Yes 09-30-2024
Joan & Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University 060217502 YNT8TCJH8FQ8 Felicia Sosa No 10-15-2024
Governors State University 069982130 RZYSKTHWL384 FeMia Norwood Yes 07-01-2024
Princeton University 002484665 NJ1YPQXQG7U5 Francine Taylor Yes 10-15-2024

Showing 91 to 105 of 372