Participating Organizations

This list of Participating Organizations contains participants in the FDP Expanded Clearinghouse initiative. All FDP member organizations are included.

Please click on a Participating Organization's name to view their Profile. Once a Profile is opened you can tab through 6 sections of information on the Profile. You may also print an organization's Profile once you have selected the Profile by clicking the Print button in the top right corner of the Profile.

If you represent a non-member organization which is not represented in the clearinghouse and you would like to add a profile for your organization, please refer to Joining the Expanded Clearinghouse

Show organizations
Organization (Common) Name
Primary DUNS
Primary Contact
FDP Member
Last Published On
Cornell University 872612445 G56PUALJ3KT5 Jamie Sprague Yes 01-08-2025
Mayo Clinic 006471700 Y2K4F9RPRRG7 Janice Grace Yes 09-16-2024
Mayo Clinic Arizona 153665211 ULMJJBL7ZXX3 Janice Grace No 09-16-2024
Mayo Clinic Jacksonville 153223151 GKPBCFV1QMM3 Janice Grace No 09-16-2024
Augusta University Research Institute, Inc. 966668691 N4WWJC8T2593 Jason Guilbeault Yes 03-18-2024
New York University 041968306 NX9PXMKW5KW8 Jason St Germain Yes 01-10-2025
Columbus State University 067561092 K2D8HHGH6F84 Jeanette Moss-Smith No 03-29-2024
Van Andel Research Institute 129273160 QLRCUJ8JTN53 Jeff Richardson No 12-16-2024
RF SUNY - University at Buffalo 038633251 LMCJKRFW5R81 Jeffrey Schieder Yes 01-06-2025
University of Delaware 059007500 T72NHKM259N3 Jeffrey Friedland Yes 11-08-2024
Cal State L.A. 066697590 C1ABLRAQTB48 Jeffrey Underwood Yes 03-19-2021
RF SUNY - Upstate Medical Center 058889106 HYN3WD58HNN7 Jennifer Rudes No 01-16-2025
The University of Alabama 045632635 RCNJEHZ83EV6 Jennifer Camp Yes 09-23-2024
Boston Medical Center 005492160 JZ8RQC4EMDZ5 Jennifer Kennedy No 09-19-2024
Nicklaus Children's Hospital 047469051 WKG7SNMSKKA6 Jennifer Lilley No 07-17-2024

Showing 121 to 135 of 372